Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund general manager Lau Hui Ling (right) receiving the cheque from PSC executive vice-president Candice Heng. PHOTO: TIPEX
SINGAPORE – The Straits Times School Pocket Money Fund (STSPMF), which provides aid to children from low-income families, received a donation of $8,666 from paper-product maker Beautex on Monday.
The money was raised from the sales of a special Chinese New Year edition of Beautex tissue boxes featuring designs by primary school students under the theme Reunion with Friends and Relatives.
For every five-box tissue pack sold, 20 cents were donated to STSPMF.
Since 2009, Beautex has contributed about $250,000 to the fund.
Ms Lau Hui Ling, general manager of STSPMF, said: “We are very grateful for the generous contribution of Beautex again. Their continued support since 2009 will allow the fund to carry on with helping our children and youth from low-income families through school.”
STSPMF disbursed $7 million to 10,200 needy students in 2022.
Since its inception in 2000, STSPMF has helped more than 210,000 cases of children and young people in need and disbursed about $97 million.
Funds raised go towards school pocket money disbursements and support of the social and educational development of the children and youth.
The Straits Times © Singapore Press Holdings Limited. Reproduced with permission.